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Pronunciation 101 - Face to face

sáb., 10 de set.


Vila Madalena

Many teachers tend to shy away from teaching pronunciation due to lack of formal knowledge of phonology. In this course, we’ll aim at delving into some of the theory to build on that knowledge

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Pronunciation 101 - Face to face
Pronunciation 101 - Face to face

Horário e local

10 de set. de 2022, 09:00 – 17:00

Vila Madalena, R. Girassol, 608 - Vila Madalena, São Paulo - SP, 05433-001, Brasil

Sobre o evento

Many teachers tend to shy away from teaching pronunciation due to lack of formal knowledge of phonology. In this course, we’ll aim at delving into some of the theory to build on that knowledge, and getting our hands on practical activities that will contribute to developing oral fluency. After all, pronunciation teaching can and should be fun!

Tutor? Catarina Pontes  is Projects & Innovation Manager at CNA. She has been working with English language teaching for around 25 years, and with teacher education for about 15 years. She is an international conference speaker and the co-author of Getting into Teacher Education, a Handbook (Cengage Learning). She holds the DELTA, a BA in Languages, Translation-Interpreting (UNIBERO), a specialization in Translation (USP), and has recently finished her MBA on Human Resources Management (USP-ESALQ). Catarina is also past president of Braz-TESOL’s SP Chapter, and past coordinator for IATEFL's Pron SIG.

When? September 10, 2022 - from 09am to 17pm

How much?  Non-member - R$ 250,00

Public Sector Teachers - R$125,00

Troika Members - Free  (according to the membership rules)

Language? English

 * We kindly ask you to show proof of Covid-19 vaccination as per the vaccination calendar before joining our course. Alternatively, you can also show us a negative RT-PCR test done up to 72h prior to our course date.

Special conditions for Troika Members. Become a member now!

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