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Teaching Language Systems | Pronunciation for Brazilian Students

sáb., 10 de ago.


Zoom Class

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Teaching Language Systems | Pronunciation for Brazilian Students
Teaching Language Systems | Pronunciation for Brazilian Students

Horário e local

10 de ago. de 2024, 13:00 – 14:15

Zoom Class

Sobre o evento

Pronunciation is a crucial component of language learning, yet it is often overlooked in the classroom due to time constraints or lack of knowledge. This course aims to help teachers address common pronunciation challenges faced by Brazilian learners of English. We will first identify the key areas of difficulty, such as vowel and consonant sounds, stress patterns, and suprasegmental features. By analyzing sample pronunciation errors and their underlying causes, we will explore some phonological differences between Portuguese and English and examine some practical ideas and activities targeting these problem areas.

This session will be delivered by Letícia Moraes.

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