COMBO Troika Teacher Trainers - Face to face + Leadership - Face to Face
ter., 19 de jul.
|Vila Madalena
When you buy the Teacher Trainer combo, you get 10% off in the two modules

Horário e local
19 de jul. de 2022, 09:00 – 28 de jul. de 2022, 18:00
Vila Madalena, R. Girassol, 608 - Vila Madalena, São Paulo - SP, 05433-001, Brasil
Sobre o evento
Module 1:
Troika Teacher Trainers | Face to Face
Unit 1
- Course Introduction - From teacher to trainer and The KASA framework.
- Training vs Continuous professional development - Training Methodology.
Unit 2
- Designing an effective training session: input types and activity types.
- Lesson Planning.
Unit 3
- Feedback: Giving oral feedback to teachers.
- Observation and Supervision I : the role of the observer - writing a report.
- Language Awareness: identifying errors and focusing on teachers' accuracy.
- Promoting Development.
Unit 4
- Identifying good teaching practice, prioritising.
- How to observe a lesson.
- How to prepare a workshop + delivery.
Unit 5
- Case studies: professional development for Teachers Educators.
When? From July 19 to 23, 2022.
Tuesday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm. Saturday from 9am to 1pm.
Module 2:
Troika Teacher Trainers Leadership - Face to face
Day 1
- What makes an effective leader; leadership versus management; leadership styles; What instructional/educational leadership is.
Day 2
- Educational leadership competencies and how to develop them; main challenges faced by educational leaders; Time management and productivity.
Day 3
- Creating and maintaining a shared vision and a culture of learning in the school; shared leadership; cultivating teacher leadership; leading based on evidence and data.
Day 4
- Enhancing ability to give and receive feedback; managing conflict; managing change; strategies for dealing effectively with different stakeholders – teachers, parents, students.
When? From July 25 to 28, 2022. From 9am to 6pm.
How much?
Non-member - R$3.500
Member Lite - R$3.150
Member Full - R$2.800
Member Unlimited - R$2.450
Public Sector Teachers - R$1.800
*This courses isn't eligible for the Troika Member 100% discount coupon.
*Discount coupons are not cumulative.
Troika Teacher Trainers
R$ 3.500,00Vendas encerradas
R$ 0,00