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 conference schedule 

Friday • Oct 18

 9:00 - 10:00 

Plenary Session: Pablo Toledo


3 July
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Eco-friendly assessment: when learning,

teaching and testing become one

 10:05 - 11:55 

2-day courses - day 1

Courses will run throughout the conference and you can choose one of the topics to follow for the two days

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Tutors: Letícia Moraes &

Sueli Busmayer

Integrating Social and Emotional Learning in the Teenage Classroom

As teenagers experience significant cognitive and social maturation, teaching practice and classroom activities need to address this moment. In this context, Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) adds valuable insights to lesson planning and activity design. This mini-course explores SEL competencies such as social awareness and responsible decision-making and suggests practical ideas on how to support social-emotional development in teenage groups, aiming to create an environment conducive to learning.

Day 1
We will discuss what SEL actually is, the skills it involves and why it is so relevant when teaching teenagers. We will also explore relationship skills and social awareness in more details.

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Tutor: Akemi Iwasa

The power of images: Visual Literacy and Representation

In today’s world, where meaning is increasingly built through audiovisual content, developing visual literacy is of paramount importance. This course invites you to explore the crucial skills needed to navigate and create in this visual landscape. Whether you are a materials writer or a teacher, you are likely working with images frequently, so come reflect on the deeper implications of this practice.

Day 1
We will explore the broader concepts of visual literacy, breaking down the key sub-skills that empower us to interpret and create meaningful imagery.



 12:00 - 12:45 

Webinar Slot

webinars are delivered by members of our community who have submitted proposals and have been coached by Troika staff

ELT materials

The Art and Science of Authorship and Editing in ELT Materials


Fernanda Aparecida Patucci

Cultural awareness

Teaching English Through many Cultures using Practical Activities


Jerusa Maria Aguiar Rafael

Business English

Transform Business English: Real-World Applications


Ana Luísa dos Santos Oliveira

Nonviolent communication

Empathy in ELT: Enhancing Feedback & Assessment with NVC


Fabiana Muliterno


Using AI to Create Effective Lesson Plans for ESP Students


Luciana Passos da Silva

Speaking skills

Unveiling Speaking - Revisiting concepts and updating practices


Juan Reis Lopes

 12:45 - 14:00 

Lunch Break & Troikafezinho


AI: a blessing or a curse for the learning process?​

We'll discuss the pros and cons of teachers' and students' use of AI, share our experience with the use of AI, and learn from other teachers' experiences.


Rodrigo Veloso

 14:00 - 14:45 

Ask the Expert: Paulo Dantas


 AI in Education 

 14:50 - 16:20 

Round Table - Materials created by Brazilians​

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Cristina Pellin e Danielle Dalzochio
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Simone Vieira

Cristina Pellin & Danielle Dalzochio

Raquel Vono

 16:25 - 17:10 

Webinar Slot

webinars are delivered by members of our community who have submitted proposals and have been coached by Troika staff

Play-based learning

Play and Learn: The Power of Playfulness in English Language Teaching


Vandréa Mendonça


Online teaching

Using Coursebooks to Personalize online classes



Luciana Luzio D´Agosto

Neuroscience and learning

Neurobiologia da aprendizagem - o processo de aprender



Patricia Liciani Franco



Como liderar a escola cuidando de pessoas?



André Gaia

Inclusive education

Understanding transgender issues for queerer education



Anico Angel Cavalcanti


ELT materials

Adapting ELT materials: Theory and Practice



Victor Souza Noal

 17:15 - 19:05 

2-day courses - day 1

Courses will run throughout the conference and you can choose one of the topics to follow for the two days

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Tutors: Henrique Moura & Rosana Nucci​

Transformando Educadores: O Caminho do Professor ao Formador

Este mini-curso intensivo de quatro horas oferece uma compreensão do que é formação continuada e desenvolvimento profissional para formadores de professores. Os participantes explorarão desde conceitos teóricos e práticos, abordando temas como o que é e o que não é CPD, a transição de professor para formador, estratégias para o desenvolvimento contínuo, diferenças entre pedagogia e andragogia, capacitação versus formação, a experiência do professor como aluno, modelos de formação de professores, elementos essenciais de uma ação formativa e os processos envolvidos na formação de professores.

O objetivo é equipar os formadores com habilidades e conhecimentos necessários para aprimorar sua prática, promovendo reflexão sobre pedagogia e andragogia, e oferecendo insights sobre modelos de formação eficazes. Destinado a professores, formadores, coordenadores pedagógicos e gestores educacionais, o curso combina exposições teóricas, discussões em grupo, estudos de caso e atividades práticas.


Tutor: Renata Borges


Assessment - from theory to practice

This course will explore the theoretical foundations of assessment, including its purpose, types, and key principles. We will examine assessment practices for learners of different ages, analysing the importance of both formal and informal assessment methods. Participants will gain hands-on experience in developing assessment criteria and rubrics and learn how to implement alternative assessment strategies to promote authentic language use. By the end of the course, teachers will be able to select and apply appropriate assessment tools and techniques to measure student progress and inform instruction.

Day 1
We will discuss what assessment is and its role in language teaching. We’ll see types of assessment and its principles. Then, we’ll consider characteristics of different age ranges that should be considered when we assess students.







 19:10 - 20:10 

Plenary Session: Glaucia Morais

Glaucia Morais

Educação antirracista: Dialogando com

o mundo e outras realidades

 20:10 - 20:20 

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